Why You Should Consider A Newfoundland Photography Workshop

Cape Spear Lighthouse

This is where the sun rises first in North America. Where Vikings landed over 1,000 years before you will first visit. This place is home to the oldest settlement and the oldest city in North America but is the youngest province of Canada. 

A vast land, with a relatively small population, Newfoundland and Labrador has some of the friendliest people you'll ever meet. Here, you can immerse yourself in wilderness solitude and dramatic shorelines one day and embrace a vibrant culture at the cutting edge of the contemporary western world the next. This is a land of rich history and natural wonders: breaching whales, icebergs, an abundance of shorebirds, and some of the most incredible coastlines you'll ever see and photograph.

Newfoundland Iceberg Alley

Why Come to Newfoundland With Me?

I have been traveling to Newfoundland and Labrador since 2013. From Port Aux Basque to Gros Morne, north to St. Anthony’s and Labrador, and up and down every dirt road on the southeast coast. I have led trips for landscapes, wildlife, icebergs, and those wonderful, cute little birds we all love, the Puffins. 

In total, I have scouted the Province on my own numerous times and have now lead ten photography trips to Newfoundland and Labrador. Over the years, I have refined my trips with the best partners in the Province to make them perfect for the photographer. My partners for whale and iceberg tours and the locations we stay in have been hand-picked for their dedication to customer service and their commitment to my group's specific needs. They make my trips memorable because of the experience, the food they cater, the fun we have, and the photography opportunities they offer. 

Atlantic Puffin in Newfoundland

What Will You Learn on a Photography Workshop in Newfoundland?

We’ll be photographing from sunrise to sunset, and everywhere in between. Our network of local guides will keep us advised of local photographic opportunities, and your photo PROs will be on hand to help you make the most of every situation. 

Expect plenty of field instruction on the following topics:

  • Long Exposure to smooth out water 

  • Long Exposure to produce cloud movement in the day time

  • Create maximum impact landscape and seascape compositions

  • How to photograph sunsets and sunrises

  • How to capture birds in flight

  • Wildlife Portraiture

  • Post-processing instruction on things like file management in lightroom, cropping for best composition, and other more advanced editing techniques. 

  • We will also hold our signature image reviews.

Iceberg Alley

Our Method of Transportation During the Workshop

We’ll be daily traveling by spacious bus in order to give the Photo PROs more time between photoshoots to talk to you. Our philosophy is to have the experts focused on what they know best. Professional drivers drive ~ Professional photographers teaching you. 

Kevin A PepperComment