Can you hear the sounds of an African Safari in your future?

Do you have a passion for wildlife or landscape photography? Would you like to visit a location that has the best of both? Tanzania is that location.

I can personally attest that the animals, while compelling to photograph, are merely just a component to what is arguably one of the most photogenic locations I have ever visited in my guiding career. Nowhere on earth can you find all these apex predators that follow the worlds largest land migration. It has been happening since man has inhabited earth... the Wildebeest Migration. Or time spent together will visit the area where the migration is just after the calving season on the south east corner of the Serengeti. The time a year when all mothers are teaching their young how to survive. Predators teaching young to track prey. Prey teaching youngsters to avoid predators. All amidst stunning landscapes of the famous Ngorongoro and Serengeti. 

Prepare to be amazed, prepare to be humbled. This is your chance to witness an area most people will only ever read about and watch on TV wishing they could go.

Why don't you come with me in April of 2018? There are five people waiting for you to join them already.  

All the details are here