Why Attend A Costa Rica Photo Workshop? Because It’s a Bird and Wildlife Photographer’s Paradise!

Respendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno)

Costa Rica isn’t just a vacation spot; it’s a wildlife and bird photographer’s dream come true. This small but biodiversity-rich country is home to over 900 bird species. From the Resplendent quetzal to the colourful toucans and the dazzling hummingbirds, your camera will be working overtime. Picture yourself capturing these feathered beauties in their natural habitat amidst the stunning backdrops of forests and misty mountains. It’s like stepping into a real-life "Avatar" set, minus the blue aliens but with way more birds.

Black-handed Spider Monkey

Three-toed Sloth

What You’ll Photograph

Expect to see and photograph a jaw-dropping array of birds and other wildlife:

  • Resplendent Quetzal: With its iridescent green plumage and long tail feathers, this bird is the crown jewel of Costa Rica and one you will definitely want to add to your Life List.

  • Toucans: From the keel-billed to the chestnut-mandible, toucans are the rainforest’s resident comedians with their oversized bills and vibrant colours.

  • Hummingbirds: Get ready to snap these tiny, fast-moving jewels. Costa Rica is home to over 50 species of hummingbirds!

  • Scarlet Macaws: These striking red, yellow, and blue birds are as loud as they are beautiful.

  • Motmots: Known for their unique racket-shaped tails and vibrant colours.

  • Frogs and Snakes: Costa Rica has numerous species of frogs and snakes. See some of the most dazzling that Costa Rica offers a photographer.

  • Monkeys and Sloths: There are four main types of monkeys in Costa Rica: Howler monkeys, Spider monkeys, Squirrel monkeys, and white-faced Capuchin monkeys. Sloths are one of the most famous animals that are found in the wild. We will visit a privately owned location that the public cannot visit. Sloths have lived here for generations.

Poison Dart Frog

Yellow-throated toucan (Ramphastos ambiguus)

What You’ll Learn

1. Bird Photography Skills

  • Birds in Flight: Master the art of capturing birds on the wing. Kevin will teach you the techniques to freeze these speedy subjects, ensuring sharp, stunning images.

  • Perch Shots: Learn how to photograph birds in their natural settings, from the forest floor to the canopy. Kevin’s expert tips will help you frame perfect perch shots.

  • Behavioural Shots: Capture the unique behaviours of Costa Rica’s birds, whether it’s feeding, preening, or courtship displays.

2. Wildlife Photography Skills

  • Aperture and Shutter Speeds: Have your guides by your side teaching you the needed camera settings to capture compelling images.

  • Composition Techniques: Your Guides will be teaching proper composition techniques to turn your holiday snapshots into stunning images.

  • Behavioural Shots: Capture the unique behaviours of Costa Rica’s wildlife, whether it’s feeding, interacting with the environment, or courtship displays.

3. Post-Processing Mastery

  • Editing Like a Pro: Transform your good shots into jaw-dropping masterpieces with Kevin’s post-processing skills. Learn how to enhance colours, adjust lighting, eliminate unwanted backgrounds, and sharpen details to bring out the best in your bird photos.

  • Workflow Efficiency: Discover Kevin’s efficient editing workflow to save time and get the most out of your images.

Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao)

Violet saberwing (Campylopterus hemileucurus)

Why Go with Kevin Pepper and Akari Photo Tours?

He has over a decade of experience leading workshops and is partnering with one of Costa Rica’s best wildlife guides and photographers; together, the two guides know exactly where to find the best birding spots. Kevin’s humorous anecdotes–like the time a curious toucan tried to steal his hat and Dennis’s infectious personality–will keep you entertained and inspired. Plus, their attention to detail in crafting the itinerary ensures you won’t miss a single photographic opportunity.

  • Unparalleled Expertise: Kevin’s decades of experience in bird and wildlife photography mean you’ll learn from one of the best.

  • Prime Locations: Kevin and Dennis’ knowledge of Costa Rica ensures you’ll be in the right place at the right time for the best shots.

  • Small Group Setting: With a limited number of participants, you’ll get plenty of one-on-one instruction and feedback. You will not be working around other attendees that large group tours present.

  • Luxurious Accommodations: Enjoy the comfort and convenience of upgraded lodges and eco-resorts, offering a perfect blend of luxury and nature.

Red-headed manakin (Ceratopipra rubrocapilla)

American white ibis (Eudocimus albus)

The Ultimate Experience

This isn’t just a tour; it’s a meticulously planned adventure. Kevin hires the best local guides who know the rainforests and cloud forests like the back of their hand. And forget about roughing it—expect upgraded accommodations that offer comfort and luxury after a day of intense shooting. Imagine returning to a cozy lodge nestled in the forest, discussing your day’s shots over a delicious meal, and falling asleep to the soothing sounds of nature.

Ready for the Wildlife Adventure of a Lifetime?

Still on the fence? Picture yourself under the canopy of Costa Rica’s lush forests, camera at the ready, capturing the vibrant avian wonders and endemic wildlife. You’ll return home not just with incredible photos but with stories that will make your friends green with envy. Spots in Kevin Pepper’s Costa Rica Photography Workshop are more coveted than a front-row seat at a rock concert. Don’t miss out—sign up today, and let’s make some photographic magic together!

Costa Rica is calling, and Kevin and Dennis are your guides to capturing its wildlife treasures. Click that LEARN MORE button and get ready to create the portfolio of your dreams. Trust us, your Instagram feed will never be the same. 📸✨