Pattern Play: How to Use Repetition for Captivating Photography

Hello, fellow photographers! Ready to break free from the mundane and dive into the mesmerizing world of patterns and repetition? If you’re looking to add some pizzazz to your photos, you’re in for a treat. Today, we’re talking about how the magic of patterns can transform your images from “nice” to “whoa, look at that!” So grab your camera, and let’s get snapping!

What Are Patterns and Repetition in Photography?

Patterns and repetition involve capturing repeated elements in your composition, creating a sense of rhythm and harmony. Think of it as the visual equivalent of a catchy tune—you just can’t look away. Whether it’s rows of windows, lines of trees, or a collection of colorful umbrellas, patterns draw viewers in and keep them engaged.

Benefits of Using Patterns and Repetition

  1. Creates Visual Interest: Patterns naturally attract the eye and keep viewers engaged as they explore the repeated elements.

  2. Adds Structure: Repetition can add a sense of order and stability to your composition, making the image feel well-organized.

  3. Evokes Emotions: Patterns can evoke various feelings—calmness with uniformity, excitement with dynamic repetition, or even a sense of curiosity.

  4. Highlights Details: By focusing on patterns, you can highlight intricate details that might otherwise go unnoticed.

How to Use Patterns and Repetition Effectively

  1. Find Your Pattern: Look for repeated elements in your surroundings. Nature and urban environments are gold mines for patterns—think rows of flowers, stacks of crates, or even a line of parked bicycles.

    Pro Tip: Don’t be afraid to get a little obsessed. Channel your inner detective and hunt down those patterns like you’re on a mission.

  2. Play with Angles: Experiment with different perspectives to enhance the pattern. Shoot from above, below, or straight on to see what works best.

    Pro Tip: Sometimes, getting the perfect angle requires channeling your inner contortionist. Just think of it as yoga with a camera.

  3. Break the Pattern: Introduce a single element that disrupts the pattern to create a focal point. This can add an extra layer of interest and intrigue to your photo.

    Pro Tip: Imagine a lone red apple among a sea of green ones. The disruption makes it stand out and draws attention.

  4. Use Light and Shadows: Light can create interesting patterns through shadows and highlights. Pay attention to how light interacts with your subjects to enhance the repetition.

    Pro Tip: Golden hour is your best friend. It’s like having a magical lighting assistant who always gets it right.

  5. Focus on Details: Sometimes, zooming in on a smaller section of a larger pattern can create a compelling abstract image. Don’t be afraid to get close and personal.

Examples and Applications

  • Architecture: Capture the repetitive patterns of windows, staircases, or columns to create striking compositions.

  • Nature: Look for rows of trees, petals on a flower, or ripples in water to showcase nature’s inherent patterns.

  • Urban Scenes: Find repetition in city life—parked cars, streetlights, or even lines of shopping carts.

Practice Makes Perfect

Like any photography technique, mastering patterns and repetition takes practice. Wander around your city, explore parks, or even your own backyard with fresh eyes. Look for opportunities to capture repetition and see how it transforms your compositions.


Using patterns and repetition in your photography is like discovering a secret ingredient that enhances every dish. It adds depth, interest, and a touch of artistry to your photos. By focusing on repeated elements, you can create images that are not only visually appealing but also emotionally engaging.

So next time you’re out with your camera, keep an eye out for those captivating patterns. Embrace the rows, the lines, and the repeating shapes. And if anyone wonders why you’re so intently photographing a row of mailboxes, just tell them you’re capturing the rhythm of life. They’ll nod appreciatively, and your photos will be all the more compelling for it.

Check out all the workshops we lead. We teach this photography composition rule, and more on our photo workshops at Akari Photo Tours. Click Here