Five Key Elements That Will Make You a Better Wildlife Photographer
Have you ever stood next to someone photographing the same animal, and you wondered why their photos were so much better than yours?
Your first step on your journey to answering that question is to master your camera's technical settings to have the maximum probability of success when exciting animal moments present themselves. Trust us, when two 650lb (300kg) bears start chasing each other and come within 20ft (6m) of your location, you do not want to be thinking about your minimum shutter speed or aperture settings.
Beyond the technical settings, you need to learn several elements on your way to becoming a better wildlife photographer.
To help you on the learning path to becoming a better wildlife photographer Kevin Lisota and I have created an eBook that will help focus your learning by identifying five (5) critical steps you need to focus on.
1 – Research – Often overlooked, yet imperative to success. This eBook will help you uncover the necessary information you should have before you ever step foot in the field.
2 – Pre-visualization – This comes directly from research. While researching species, you are looking at images and videos and formulating an opinion on what it is you want to photograph. Kevin and Kevin will help you maximize your success by teaching you how pre-visualization will help you step up your photography game.
3 – Critical Decisions – These are the decisions made in the field before, and while you are taking photos. This eBook will walk you through a checklist of situational, compositional, and gear decisions that help translate real-world situations into your final images.
4 – Post Processing – Capturing the photo is only one part of realizing a final image. Post-processing allows you to make artistic decisions on how to tell a story in your style.
Kevin and Kevin will explain how these elements tie together. You will begin to see that your artistic decisions in post-processing starts as far back as your research and pre-visualization, and should still be on your mind while you make the critical decisions in the field.
5– Wildlife photography is filled with mistakes, even for experienced professionals. This eBook will share what are considered the most common mistakes. Kevin and Kevin actually share the mistakes that they have made and walk you through what they have learned from each one.
The goal in this eBook is to have you virtually stand next to two professional photographers while they shoot a variety of animal photos and hear the decisions that they made before the trip, in the moment, and in post-processing to achieve their results.
If you invest in this eBook, the person standing next to you will wish their photos are as good as yours!
The eBook will be announced to the public during the last week of August.
To go on our waiting list please contact Kevin to be one of the first to receive this new learning tool.